My first thought, Dorothy McGuire.
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
November Is The Cruelest Month
by JRK ini have been going through old papers and photographs since my mother passed away.
it has reminded me of some of the reasons that i really hate november.
this year has added to it obviously.. thirty-four years ago, my father passed away in early november.
It Seems Some People Don't Listen
by Wasanelder Once inmy dad's phone rings.
its a secretary from his dermatologists office.. her:.
"just calling for "mr. wasa sr." to remind him his appointment is next wednesday at 2pm.".
compound complex
double post
Unbelievable KMS example
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini've been to the kingdom ministry school (for elders) recently and can report that it is mostly the usual mix of cliches and platitudes.
several letters where basically just read through one line at a time.
one point early on though almost made me laugh out loud.
compound complex
But didn't Jesus advise that going into the kingdom maimed (minus eyes and hands) was better than being tossed into Gehenna? Given our current understanding (it's all a myth), wouldn't it be sad to be a sightless double amputee?
Although I am, by nature and nurture, a puritanical prude, I'm still human . . .
Maybe a bit more self-flagellation . . .
November Is The Cruelest Month
by JRK ini have been going through old papers and photographs since my mother passed away.
it has reminded me of some of the reasons that i really hate november.
this year has added to it obviously.. thirty-four years ago, my father passed away in early november.
compound complex
Dear JK:
My parents are both similarly situated.
Wish they were here . . . alive.
Wishing you peace. I know it's difficult.
Unbelievable KMS example
by Saltheart Foamfollower ini've been to the kingdom ministry school (for elders) recently and can report that it is mostly the usual mix of cliches and platitudes.
several letters where basically just read through one line at a time.
one point early on though almost made me laugh out loud.
compound complex
On my computer, I get ads for what a friend buys, clothing specific to his health needs. Never have I looked longingly at compression stockings!
Punctuation within and without quotation marks
by compound complex in .
would someone please make this link clickable?.
compound complex
This is one time when you don't have to feel ignorant because you don't understand what Shakespeare really meant. Although he invented "sticking place," and though our usage derives directly from this scene, Shakespeare never explains what the phrase means.
Macbeth still has cold feet; he and his wife have agreed to kill King Duncan of Scotland, but he can't stop thinking of all the consequences the deed might not trammel up [see THE BE-ALL AND THE END-ALL]. Lady Macbeth, after impugning her husband's manliness, urges him, as we might say, to "screw up his courage." The OED suggests that Lady Macbeth's original words refer to the twisting of a tuning peg until it becomes set in its hole. The editor of The Riverside Shakespeare, on the other hand, suggests that a "sticking place" is "the mark to which a soldier screwed up the cord of a crossbow." Whether the metaphor is musical, martial, or otherwise, Lady Macbeth's meaning is obvious though her words are obscure: "tighten up your courage until it is fixed in the place necessary for the murder of Duncan."
Another congregation bites the dust
by NikL inwent to the meeting last night with my believing wife.
the co was visiting and delivered a really cult-ish talk on loyalty but that's another story.. they made the announcement that starting january 1st they were going to have only 3 congregations in this town instead of 4.. they are dissolving one and growing the territories of the remaining 3. the reason given is that many of the elders are getting up there in age and can't do what they used to do.
basically not enough elders and ministerial servants...or even men reaching out for that matter.
compound complex
'Those telling the good news are an army of large women.'
Another congregation bites the dust
by NikL inwent to the meeting last night with my believing wife.
the co was visiting and delivered a really cult-ish talk on loyalty but that's another story.. they made the announcement that starting january 1st they were going to have only 3 congregations in this town instead of 4.. they are dissolving one and growing the territories of the remaining 3. the reason given is that many of the elders are getting up there in age and can't do what they used to do.
basically not enough elders and ministerial servants...or even men reaching out for that matter.
compound complex
While I had my own challenges taking the lead at home (as elder, regular pioneer, and service overseer I had to go through the motions), I felt sorry for the young fathers who were continually harassed by their uber spiritual wives to have a family study, be more spiritual, go out in service regularly, etc.
No wonder the exit!
getting in..
by zeb inthe things that asks for street sign or cars takes longer than it ever did and the pictures do a slow fade to come on and then it does it again.. its a pain this never happened before.. surely once is enough to prove i am not a robot..
compound complex
. . . we respect each other's privacy and we also have Windows laptops which we don't use any more. I hope this is helpful in some way. -- amicabl
Since no one else uses my ancient DELL laptop, I remain signed in. Much easier, you're correct.
Some day, when I grow up, I will get an iPad. My current, ever useful and trouble-free notebook consists of paper. The only minor inconvenience is sharpening the pencil.
Punctuation within and without quotation marks
by compound complex in .
would someone please make this link clickable?.
compound complex
The Finale (Allegro molto vivace) was the movement in which Schumann said that for the first time since his illness started he “began to feel like myself again.”
The rhythm of this march-theme (a long note followed by a dotted rhythm) appears so frequently in his music that some commentators call it the “Schumann rhythm.”
The Symphony in C Major was the first major piece undertaken in this new way of working. It was actually Schumann’s fourth work in the genre, preceded by the “Spring,” the first version of the D minor Symphony, later to become his Fourth, and his “Sinfonietta,” (the Overture, Scherzo and Finale.)
The result is a quotation of the final song of Beethoven’s An die ferne Geliebte (To the Immortal Beloved), where Beethoven sets the words “Take them then, these songs.”